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The distraction of roleplaying


In the realm of what is classified as digital entertainment, there is this concept and it is called role playing. Computer games, they make much use of that in their various genres.  Role playing though, it is not reserved for digital entertainment. All of us are role playing different roles every day in our lives.

The dutiful child who looks after their elderly parent, the respectful employee at one’s place of work, the parent of one’s own child and the loving, loyal spouse. Then there are the general roles in society, religion etc which dictate how men and women are supposed to live and what they are supposed to like (and dislike.) It is in this way we all avid role players whether that is realized or not.

There arises an issue though, where is one’s self in this? It is easy to lose sight of one’s own self amidst all these roles one plays daily. Worse still, external people and things often do their best effort to tell one how to program their sense of self. People, they say they have to find their self, but what they really need to do is create their self. When one says that they need to find their self or find their purpose(s) they are in effect saying they need something external, something that is already existing to define their self. A wholesome, genuine experience is where one creates their self from within. In that way one is establishing their self rather than being like someone who walks around a proverbial room and picks up a stereo type off a table to live as (loner, bully, CEO, etc.)

One can always be something to someone if they wish to, but be something to one’s own self too.

Roles can be fun, but one should not lose sight of their created sense of self. Yes, create one’s own self for if all one does is pick from pre-defined external things then all they will be is a mirror of the world around rather than them making their world around a reflection of how they chose to create their self.

There is a quote I wish to discuss, it is roughly this: “Never let the sun set on one’s own self.”

The sun, it can be perceived to set, but it never does. It is an illusion. It is when one stops moving forward that a setting of sorts occurs. And what happens when one gives up on their dreams and spiritual aspirations? They’ve stopped moving. If a person kept walking day and night, they would never see a sun set, just as one who rarely stops creating their dream and spirituals goals is one who keeps moving forward.11:11

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